Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tërmet i fuqishëm, dhjetëra të vdekur

Vëzhgimi Gjeologjik i Shteteve të Bashkuara ka raportuar për një tërmet në pjesën juglindore të Iranit, afër kufirit me Pakistanin, me intensitet prej 7.8 shkallësh,transmeton rel.
Nga ana tjetër, Qendra Sizmologjike e Iranit tha se intensiteti ishte 7.5 shkallë.
Raportohet se epiqendra e tërmetit ishte 86 kilometra në juglindje të qytetit iranian, Khash.
Televizioni shtetëror i Iranit ka raportuar se së paku 40 vetë e kanë humbur jetën, por ka shqetësime se numri i personave të vdekur mund të jetë më i madh.
Zyrtarë të Pakistanit thonë se së paku 5 vetë e kanë humbur jetën përgjatë kufirit në pjesën jugperëndimore të këtij vendi.
Tërmeti është hetuar edhe në rajon, ndërsa ka raporte se janë dridhur ndërtesat prej Dubait e deri në Nju Delhi
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Author of attack in Boston?

Among the multitude of images posted on the internet, mainly on Facebook and Twitter after the bombings in Boston is the one that has probably caught the author of the blasts.
It is a picture of the fired several tens of meters in distance from the site of the explosion. Photograph is on the terrace of the building where the explosion occurred, is a person who at first glance seems undisturbed by the shock of the building.
Initially, nobody thought that the person on the terrace could have about the attack, but the comments through social networks said that silence with which the person faces mysterious outbreak of the first and the second makes you doubt me right.
The alleged author of sport wearing a hat on his head was born from the internet, but certainly as the eye of the FBI would not have saved. This is the latest in a statement to the media, given the early hours, local time, on the day of Tuesday said it has interviewed dozens of witnesses and it is working on securing evidence from the crime scene, evidence that could lead to tracks the author or authors
FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauries said at the scene are dozens of FBI specialists and the area continues to be a "crime area" and most likely, as he said, will remain so for several days.
Governor of Massachusetts Boston urged citizens to continue to be vigilant and to work closely with authorities to avoid any risk, despite earlier stated that there is no other unexploded bomb.
FBI probe blasts in Boston

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Plaku më fatlum në Botë, flen me 5 Femra 20 Vjeçare (VIDEO)

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